Thursday, December 21

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! The excitement level at my house is unbelievable. The boys cannot stand to just look at the presents anymore - they want to open them. I must admit, I'm ready to open presents, too.

We've watched all the Christmas shows - who knew there were so many! We've had all the school parties - where they had waaayyyy too much sugar. We've listened to the same Christmas CDs over and over. Their favorite: Santa Claus is Coming to Town. We've shopped till we dropped. Wrapped till we're almost out of paper. And made cookies by the dozens. There are still at least 10 backs of chocolate chips in the pantry - guess what we'll (by we I mean Glenn) be doing this weekend. And, of course, I have to taste the dough to make sure it's just right.

We're definitely in the spirit at our house. Hope you are, too.
Everyone have a safe & happy holiday!