Monday, December 17

Christmas Traditions - Part 2

Oh. my. goodness! THE COOKIES. My grandfather used to make cookies. When he passed away, my husband asked for the recipes so he could continue the tradition. WELL, it's grown. So far this year I think he's made about 30 dozen cookies. And still has many, many more to make.

We take them to work, to school parties, family parties. AND we give them as gifts. Go to the dollar store, buy a bunch of plates or platters, load 'em up with cookies. This year, we bought 20 plates. The neighbors, my cousins, our siblings, even the boys' teachers are getting cookies. At least we give them away, so I'm not eating them all. And we don't have many left over.

It's tiring to make all those cookies. But he enjoys it and we enjoy wrapping them up and delivering them. We even let the boys have one or two from each batch. And I do get to sneak the dough every once in a while.

Wednesday, December 5

Christmas Traditions - Part 1

WOW! Christmas is in 13 days! We're all so busy during December, but we should all remember to spend time enjoying it. And spending time with your families. So, I'm going to post my Christmas traditions for the next few days...

One of my favorite traditions is driving around looking at decorations. We go visit my in-laws on Christmas Eve. When we get home, the kids put on their new PJs (one of my dad's traditions is to give all the kids new PJs for Christmas Eve) and we load up in the car and drive around town to look at lights and decorations and listen to our Christmas CDs. We've only been doing this a couple of years, but I intend to keep doing it. It's about the only time during December it's just the 4 of us.

December Already?!

WHAT?! Christmas is in less than three weeks? This is a joke, right? WOW!

Actually, we're doing pretty good. But time seems to be speeding up. I've always liked Christmas. But, I really have always preferred Thanksgiving. Then I had kids. Anyone who is a parent understands that statement. It's so much FUN now. This year is bittersweet for us. I suspect this may be the peak year for my 7 year old. It seems I was about 8 when I realized that Santa had my mom's handwriting (he left us a note every year). And my 3 year old is just starting to get it.

It makes Christmas so much more exciting to watch them. Not just the presents, but the decorations. The lights as we drive out of the neighborhood. My 3 year old points out the same house every. time. "MOOOOOOMMMMMMYYYYY! Look! It's Santa Claus!"

Not that he'll go anywhere near Santa. For the second year in a row, my Santa picture is only of Garrett. This year, Colby cried after we left Santa because he was afraid he wouldn't get anything. Then Garrett tells him not to worry because he told Santa what Colby wanted, too. It just made my heart melt to hear that. Already, it's not just about getting for him.

I've made all the lists, and we're finished decorating, and we've made a good start on the shopping. Pretty sure we'll shop everytime we don't have something else going on for the next 20 days.

Happy December!

Monday, November 26


Yes, at my house that is plural. It used to just be two - as a married woman who lives less than a minute from her dad and less than an hour from her in-laws, I can accept that. My aunt (mom's sister) always has it at her house on Thursday at about lunchtime. Then my in-laws on Saturday. It's been that way for years.

But this year, my dad's wife decided she wanted Thanksgiving. Long story short: rather than give up Thanksgiving or have a conflict, my aunt moved hers to Friday. And Saturday? At my house! Plus, we always cook dinner for one or two families my dad works with throughout the year. AND that doesn't include the Cub Scouts dinner on Monday night, or two work lunches (one at his, one at mine) we had to cook a dish for.

So, almost every night last week, Glenn & I were up until after midnight - one night it was almost 2. Of course, we had to clean our house. AND get the tree up - it had lights but no ornaments by lunch on Saturday. And Wednesday night, we had to make a turkey (for one of the families). Thursday morning, we cooked ham & made tea. Thursday night, I made two pumpkin pies & cranberry relish for Friday. Friday night, I cooked another pumpkin pie. Saturday morning, another ham, macaroni & cheese & more tea.

And after everyone left our house on Saturday, being who I am, I had to re-clean part of the house and we finished the tree. I didn't actually sit down until after the kids went to bet at 10:30.

It was busy, but we did relax and hang out with family for several hours each day. So, it was all worth it. But man, am I tired. Next year, I may take the Monday after off instead of the Wednesday before.

Hope yours was great, too!

Monday, November 19


My oldest child got glasses. I'm not surprised - both my husband & I have them. We just got them much later in life than 7 years old. We're all very happy about the glasses, because the alternative is surgery.

A few months ago a friend of mine who teaches his Sunday school class asked me what was wrong with his eyes. So I started watching him. His left eye wouldn't focus when he got tired. As a matter of fact, it would "drift" out. So, last month, I called to make him an appointment with a pediatric opthamologist.

The day before Halloween, we went. Turns out, the "drift" is in both eyes. The problem is muscular - the solution: surgery. AND, the doctor tells me this usually shows up at 3 or 4 - not 7. So, before he has surgery, he has to have a CT scan to make sure the problem is not neurological. But, most likely, we just haven't noticed it for the last four years! Yes, I am the worst. mother. EVER!

Anyway, during the exam, the doctor discovers he has a "slight nearsightedness". (I should add here that he has had regular pediatrician visits, was tested for lazy eye when he was less than 2, and has even been to an optometrist and no one has found any problems.) So, the new plan was to get the child glasses and see if that works. But the doctor was not optimistic.

On Halloween, I took him and the prescription to get the glasses. The Friday after, we still had to go for the CT scan. He didn't like it, but he did okay. Still, we spent the weekend worried about all of it. Doing research on his problem, trying to figure out what they'll do during the surgery, etc.

November 6, we went for the follow up. My husband didn't want me to go alone this time, so he took some vacation time to go with us. We just felt like two adults listening would be better than one. And he might think of different questions than I would. Though we were praying for the best, we were, quite frankly, prepared for the worst.

Well - Garrett's fine. The CT was normal and the glasses are fixing it. He loves the glasses, and isn't having any trouble. He's learning to take care of them. And his friends have all told him how cool they are. We are all VERY RELIEVED. No surgery, at least not now. We go back in February for another follow up.

I've also been very impressed with the friends he has chosen (and their parents). Only one child has said anything negative about the glasses: a younger brother of one of his friends. A child who is still too young to really know any better. It makes him different from most of them and they all think it's pretty cool. No one has treated him any differently, called him names or any of the other problems I anticipated and was trying to figure out how to deal with.

I knew I was stressed, but I didn't realize how stressed until it was gone. It was only a week, but it felt like an eternity. We would have dealt with whatever happened, he would have, too. But we're grateful it wasn't the worst. In fact, it was the best case. Our prayers were answered. So, instead of spending our Thanksgiving or Christmas break nursing a child that's had surgery, we get to do all the regular - and much more fun - stuff.

Wednesday, November 7

35 is...

Better than 25. I get lots of strange looks when I say that. Especially from the under 35 group. But it's true.

Here are some of my reasons...

1 - At 25 I had no children. At 35, I have the two most amazing boys ever. I would never go back!

2 - At 25, We'd been married less than two years and we were still learning to live with each other. At 35, We've been married for 11 1/2 years and it's only gotten better.

3 - At 25, we'd just bought our first house. A tiny box of about 1200 square feet. Ten years later, we have our dream home and are working to make it even better.

4 - At 25, we still lived in another town where I wasn't really happy. Now, we live in my hometown, in a neighborhood where we have made some great friends - and so have our kids.

5 - At 25, I had just started my first job and was making less than half what I make now.

6 - At 25, we had two school loans, two vehicle loans, and a house payment and no savings. Now, it's just the house and enough savings to survive for several months.

7 - At 25, we attended a church where I didn't really feel welcome. Now, we attend a friendly, acitve, energetic church where we have close friends.

8 - At 25, I wasn't comfortable in my own skin. Now, I've learned to improve what I can and accept (mostly) what I can't.

9 - At 25, I thought I knew what I wanted - now, I know what I want.

And one more...
10 - I'm going to put this as delicately as possible: There are advantages to being a woman in your mid-30s. These are advantages to my husband as well...

I joke that I'm like a fine wine and just get better with age. I believe everyone should continue to grow - you grow or you die. I work on improving myself and my situation. I'm not perfect, but I'm better than I was.

Monday, November 5

When it rains...

It POURS! It's been a really crappy week around here.

Here's hoping it gets better - fast.

More later...

Thursday, September 20

I am...

...exactly where I want to be.

I am married to a wonderful man, have two amazing children, a good home in a great neighborhood. I have close friends in all areas of my life. My family is close. We are active in our church, our neighborhood, our school. My boys have good friends and activities they enjoy. I know who I am and what I want. I don't have everything I want, but I have everything I need.

It's been a hard week for my family. I've worried and I've prayed. But, it's made me appreciate what I have. I don't think we tell the people in our lives what they mean to us nearly enough. We take our families & friends for granted. Especially our spouses. I know I can. I'm going to do better.

I'm madly in love with my husband, who also happens to be my best friend. I'm incredibly proud of my two boys. I'm happy. I'm going to remember that with all the bad stuff that's happening. And I'm going to remember to tell the people in my life how much they mean to me.

Friday, September 7


Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the start of a new school year. Meeting Garrett's new teacher, his new friends, their parents. I love the pre-school track meet and can't wait for Colby to participate. I love high-school and college football (you can have the Titans). It's the only place I'll eat a hot dog and the excitement level is great. I love Halloween and how excited the boys are about dressing up. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year. My birthday is also in the fall - so that may have something to do with it. Why is it that in March, when it's in the 50s, it's cold - but in November it's just perfect? I love the colors, sounds and smells of fall.

In order to renew yourself, you must shed the old. In order for spring to be so green, fall must come first. Maybe that's it for me. It's the purge before the new. Or maybe it's just all the stuff I love happens in the fall. Maybe it's because I don't like summer and fall means summer is over. I don't know - but I know it's coming and I can't wait!

Happy fall everyone!

Friday, August 31


Well, as of this month, my boys are 7 & 3. I'm so proud of both of them.

Garrett is 3 weeks into 2nd grade and all is going well. He's really starting to show some maturity. This morning, he actually got out of bed - that took a little prompting - and got himself completely ready and did all his morning chores - without constant reminding. He's still a momma's boy but he's pulling ever so slightly away and exerting his independence. One thing that comes with all that growing up is the smart mouth & eye rolls. Now, that, has got to go. That's when I think he's only 7 and I have, what, 10 more years to deal with that. I wonder if we'll all survive it.

Colby is officially a pre-schooler. Every morning he tells me he's going to the 'big boy class' when he gets to school. I thought that child was never going to go in the potty. But sometime in the last couple of weeks, the light went on and he finally started doing it. I no longer have a baby. He's started dressing himself, another thing I never thought he'd do. He's not slow, just lazy enough to want us to do it for him. He's trying so hard to be his big brother that he's growing up almost too fast.

Seven & Three...It's hard to believe, but not all that hard to accept. I want them to be where they are. I enjoy the ups & downs of every new age. I try not to wonder what the future has in store, just to enjoy where they are today. And to remember that they'll never be this age again.

Happy Birthday boys!

Thursday, August 16


I hate August! As far as I'm concerned, only 2 good things ever came out of August. Their names are Garrett & Colby (my children). Really. I choose to live in the south - I don't want to be anywhere else, because this is home. But, come on. 104 degrees?! Triple digits for 10 days in a row?! My electric bill is going to cost me a week's pay. We don't even let the kids go outside for more than a few minutes. Even after dark, it's in the 90s. Hopefully, it won't last much longer.

I'm ready for fall.

Thursday, April 12

Spring Fever

I feel the need to kill time at work today. Not sure why. Maybe it's just time for a break. I'm more focused than this. Usually. Everything is scattered and I can't seem to set my priorities - or even care about them. I used to hear this called spring fever when I was in school. I know teachers who dread the last 6 weeks of school - from spring break to Memorial Day - for this very reason. Maybe I'm just a pre-teen in a 34 year old's body. I honestly can't remember the last time this happened to me. And I can't bring myself to care enough to deal with it.

So there.

Wednesday, February 21

About Blogging...

To tell the truth, I'm not sure why I started this.

I have an account with another service where I communicate with a lot of my family and friends, post pics, soccer schedules, etc. I have an account with my university alumni association. My point being, that I already have websites to keep updated. Why add another one?

I don't really need to rant. Anyone that knows me, knows I'll tell you what I'm thinking, or at least I'll rant to my husband later.

I don't have a knack for making the every day things that happen at my house funny or dramatic. I'm not all that great at expressing myself in writing.

Since some of my family knows about this, I try to be careful about what I'm writing. Although, I'm not sure any of them have ever read it. Actually, I'm not tracking my stats, so I'm not sure anyone is reading it. Which is fine, because this was supposed to be just for me. But it makes it hard to decide what to write. There are some things I would rather people that know me not see. I know it could happen, I'm not exactly anonymous.

I say all this to say that I'm not sure what kinds of things I'll be posting here. If you're reading, say hi - and stay tuned...

Thursday, February 8

I just want to say...

Hug your children extra tight every day - especially if it's been "one of those days".
And remember to pray for all the mommies & daddies who no longer have their children to hug.

Monday, January 29

Happy Anniversary to me...

I would love to be a stay at home mom. Unfortunately, I can't. I have to have some kind of income. So, I have a job. Tomorrow is my 5th anniversay at this job.

So, I got this email today:

Congratulations on your 5th year celebration with the company. You are a valued team member of the XXXX division and I appreciate your contribution towards building a great company! Thank you for your dedication and commitment delivering outstanding results to our customers. These successes are paving the way towards building the most respected XXXX organization in the world. Due to your loyalty, we truly have a great team that is the most respected in our industry. You are an inspiration to all members across our company and together, we will build the greatest XXXX services company in the industry.
Thanks again for being on the team and I look forward to working with you in the future!

It was "signed" by a man that I have never met, and I'm sure never will. I especially like the part where he's "looking forward to working with" me. Maybe at 10 years I'll get an actual letter I can frame. Or even meet the person that set up the automated process for sending the emails.

Thursday, January 18

Everyone else has done it...

So here are my 100 things:
1. I was born on election day 1972.
2. In Arkansas.
3. We moved to Tennessee when I was 6 weeks old, and I've been here ever since.
4. I have one sister, 3 years younger.
5. I credit my love of fall to my birth date.
6. As well as my obsession with voting.
7. I wanted to get married in the fall.
8. Since I was a full time grad student, we got married during one of my breaks - Memorial Day weekend.
9. We were broke, so we went the one place I didn't want to go for our honeymoon - Gatlinburg.
10. He promised me a better trip for our 5th anniversary.
11. But we both got laid off that year and didn't have the vacation time at our new jobs.
12. Plus, we had our first baby that year.
13. Three and a half weeks early.
14. It was a difficult pregnancy.
15. It was also a difficult labor, resulting in an emergency c-section.
16. When we found out he was all wrapped up in his cord.
17. Four years later, we had our second child.
18. The pregnancy was easier.
19. I scheduled the c-section that time.
20. He came early anyway.
21. Still had the c-section, when I found out his cord was wrapped around him, too.
22. I'm not disappointed. Whatever got them here safe and healthy was okay with me.
23. They are both all boy.
24. Everything in our house can (and has been) turned into a car, a bat, a ball or a light saber.
25. Not a day goes by that I don't say "Get off of your brother!" to one of them.
26. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
27. And we are not trying for a girl.
28. We finally got our trip - on our 10th anniversary.
29. It was worth the wait - an Alaskan cruise.
30. We left the boys at home.
31. It was nice, but I'm not sure I'll do it again for a while. I missed them terribly.
32. Alaska was the 40th state I have visited.
33. I want to visit all 50.
34. But I never want to live anywhere else.
35. We live in the suburbs.
36. In a neighborhood full of kids around our boys' ages.
37. Right across the street from the elementary school.
38. In the town where I was raised.
39. Yes, I know: sad.
40. Our children keep it interesting - and busy.
41. Our oldest plays soccer.
42. And is a Cub Scout.
43. Our youngest just isn't old enough yet.
44. I guess that makes me a soccer mom.
45. Minus the mini-van.
46. I drive an SUV.
47. Yes, I know, gas is pricey.
48. But we're not paying the equivalent of our mortgage on our cars either.
49. We're debt free except for the house. Thank you Dave Ramsey.
50. We try to eat dinner at the table most nights.
51. Mondays are hard because of Cub Scouts.
52. Wednesdays because of Bible school.
53. We attend church 3 times a week.
54. I was raised that way.
55. Even went to a small, private, Christian university.
56. I had a scholarship, or wouldn't have been able to afford it.
57. Even though the school has a reputation as a "marriage factory", I didn't meet my husband there.
58. I met him at one of my summer jobs.
59. My degree: Math.
60. My master's degree: Math.
61. I do work, but wish I didn't.
62. I guess if I have to have a job, I have a good one.
63. But if the opportunity presented itself, I'd quit tomorrow.
64. My husband and I have very different families.
65. I guess opposites really do attract.
66. He is one of 7 children.
67. I think I asked him on the third date how many he wanted.
68. I was not going out with him again if he wanted that many.
69. We do not discuss politics & religion with his family.
70. I love them, but we generally disagree on those issues.
71. I can agree to disagree with people. But if people cannot accept that, I move on.
72. I do not have time to argue.
73. I am politically conservative.
74. I used to think I was moderate. But I was just in denial.
75. I believe in voting.
76. I believe it is not just a right, but a responsibility.
77. It is also a responsibility to be informed about the candidates and issues.
78. And pay attention to the local races, too.
79. I could go on and on, but I won't say anything else.
80. Except maybe this: I will discuss it, but I won't try to change anyone's mind. And don't try to change my mind: I won't.
81. Did I mention I'm stubborn?
82. In our limited free time, we are working on the house.
83. It's a fairly new house, so it's mostly just decorating.
84. And organizing. That is an issue for me.
85. But I'm getting better. Thank you Fly Lady.
86. I also like puzzles. Sudoku is my current favorite.
87. And I read. Like crazy.
88. I can get so wrapped up in a book the house could burn down around me and I probably wouldn't notice.
89. I watch too much TV.
90. I love reality shows - I just can't help myself.
91. We watch a lot of Disney channel, too.
92. I also love to sing.
93. I was in one of the choral groups in college.
94. I like singing too loud in the car better.
95. I've never wished I could go back to high school, college, etc.
96. I think my life just gets better.
97. I think that's how it should be.
98. I keep in touch with my best friends from those times. But we don't relive them.
99. I don't really have one best friend.
100. I'm close to my family, like all my neighbors and have close friends from church.

I could probably add more or revise the list. But I'm done.