Friday, August 31


Well, as of this month, my boys are 7 & 3. I'm so proud of both of them.

Garrett is 3 weeks into 2nd grade and all is going well. He's really starting to show some maturity. This morning, he actually got out of bed - that took a little prompting - and got himself completely ready and did all his morning chores - without constant reminding. He's still a momma's boy but he's pulling ever so slightly away and exerting his independence. One thing that comes with all that growing up is the smart mouth & eye rolls. Now, that, has got to go. That's when I think he's only 7 and I have, what, 10 more years to deal with that. I wonder if we'll all survive it.

Colby is officially a pre-schooler. Every morning he tells me he's going to the 'big boy class' when he gets to school. I thought that child was never going to go in the potty. But sometime in the last couple of weeks, the light went on and he finally started doing it. I no longer have a baby. He's started dressing himself, another thing I never thought he'd do. He's not slow, just lazy enough to want us to do it for him. He's trying so hard to be his big brother that he's growing up almost too fast.

Seven & Three...It's hard to believe, but not all that hard to accept. I want them to be where they are. I enjoy the ups & downs of every new age. I try not to wonder what the future has in store, just to enjoy where they are today. And to remember that they'll never be this age again.

Happy Birthday boys!

Thursday, August 16


I hate August! As far as I'm concerned, only 2 good things ever came out of August. Their names are Garrett & Colby (my children). Really. I choose to live in the south - I don't want to be anywhere else, because this is home. But, come on. 104 degrees?! Triple digits for 10 days in a row?! My electric bill is going to cost me a week's pay. We don't even let the kids go outside for more than a few minutes. Even after dark, it's in the 90s. Hopefully, it won't last much longer.

I'm ready for fall.