Tuesday, March 25

Surgery Update

Garrett had his surgery yesterday and everything went well. He's in some pain today and still won't open his eyes for long periods. It hurts and he's still blurry. But he'll be okay. I still need a good night's sleep - I woke up and checked on him a couple of times last night. Maybe that will come tonight.

Wednesday, March 19

Conversations in Church

ME (in a church whisper): Stop picking your nose.

Colby (NOT in a church whisper): But there's a booger in it.

ME: Then let's go to the bathroom and blow it.

Colby (as he holds out his finger): But I got the booger. SEE!!

Why, oh, why is everything funnier in a church service...

Tuesday, March 18

The Best Laid Plans

So. Last Thursday night when I got home all my boys were at soccer practice. I took that opportunity to do the weekly cleaning so I could relax for the weekend. We had tons to do on Saturday and I wanted to relax on Sunday. The soccer game was rained out, but we made it to everything else on Saturday and had a busy - but great - day.

On Sunday I had big plans. After church service we came home. I wanted to play outside some, come in and watch the basketball game then take the boys to an egg hunt at the church my sister attends. During the "play outside" part of the plan, the boys (this includes the 4 neighbor boys) decided they wanted to hit golf balls in the yard. We have rules for this and they follow them pretty well - usually.

While we were looking at my neighbor's new van, we heard it. The scream that sends chills down every parent's spine and freezes your blood. And it was mine. Garrett had been hit with a golf ball on the outer corner of his left eyebrow. Oh, man. It was bad - I thought about taking pictures, but really, who wants to see that? I didn't, but I had to look and now I see it when I close my eyes.

My neighbor agreed to keep my Colby until my dad could get there to take him to the egg hunt. While the rest of us climed in the car and drove to Vanderbilt. All our plans went up in smoke and we spend the afternoon "relaxing" at the ER. No game, no selection show, no egg hunt, and no evening service. But, he's okay. He's okay.

He's okay. It missed his eye and didn't break any bones. We are unbelievably grateful for that and know how much worse it could have been. As it is, he has 5 stitches, had to miss his soccer game last night. It isn't going to interfere with the eye surgery he has to have next week.

But yesterday was PICTURE DAY at school. So, in his second grade class picture he has a big band-aid over his left eye. Lessons learned.

Monday, March 17

Oh, what a weekend!

I have enough stuff from this weekend to keep my blog up to date for several weeks. But I'll start with something simple - and the best thing that I can say about my weekend:

FOUR! #4 - Vanderbilt got a 4 seed!!! Something we never expected around here - especially after the second loss to Arkansas.

WOW! It's still a tough road to play in the NCAA tournament. But - hey - #4! It's a good deal. And very exciting to those of us who have watched them be on the bubble countless times in the past. Just knowing at the beginning of the SEC tournament this year that they weren't playing themselves in, but playing to improve their seed was exciting. But I never expected this - a 4 seed!

Like I said - that's my best news from the weekend. More on all of that later...

Friday, March 7

Conversations in the Car

ME: Garrett, did you do your homework?

HIM: Yes, ma'am. It was easy, all I had to do was write the names of the planets.

ME: Oh, you're studying the planets in science?

HIM: Yeah, we had a play today and I was Uranus. (pronounced: "your anus", of course)

His dad & I couldn't look at each other for a few minutes.

Why yes, we are 13 year old boys...

Thursday, March 6

Calendar Musings

I'm confused. I know, I know...more than usual. It all started February 28 - with the first appointment. And then there was that extra day, which we won't even talk about.

From that first appointment through April 1 - no foolin' - we have the following:

Church every Sunday, Sunday night & Wednesday night. Soccer practice every Monday & Thursday, Cub Scouts every Monday, monthly PTO meeting, monthly Cub Scout leaders meeting, Annual doctor's visit (mom), Annual eye check (mom), dentist appointments (mom & dad - the boys have already had theirs), pre- and post-op eye visits (Garrett), surgery (Garrett), 2 soccer games, district pinewood derby, monthly youth devo, egg hunt, monthly couples get together, haircuts (all).

This is with ONE CHILD participating. I have no idea what we'll do when we have two involved in activities. I don't know how our parents did it without cell phones!

It just seems a little overwhelming this month. So much so, that I keep confusing my days. I thought one of my appointments was today and it's next week. I dated everything yesterday the 7th.

I'm not complaining - really. I am happy being busy. I am thankful that my family can afford the time and money to take care of the doctor stuff and play some, too. My life is definitely full and certainly interesting.