Friday, May 23

12 years and counting

Sunday is my 12th anniversary. That's a long time these days. Is my marriage perfect? Nope, because we're not. Is it always exciting? Nope. Is he always romantic? Nope. Is it always easy? No. But, you know what? We're happy. We're still married, still in love.

With two kids, two jobs & all the other stuff we have going on, it's more work than it used to be. It's harder to find time together. There are times when it seems like we're only parents and not husband & wife. Those of you with children should understand.

So what. It's worth it. I love him more than I did 12 years ago. I know more about love than I did 12 years ago. 12 years is not so very long considering the lengths of our parents' marriages. And my grandparents (both sets) were married for more than 50 years. But it's an accomplishment and we're proud of it.

Monday, May 19

Finally - a weekend to relax...

This was the first weekend in months we haven't had a soccer game. And it was WONDERFUL!

Friday night we stayed out chatting and hanging out with our neighbor friends until after 2:30. Of course, I'm too old to do that every weekend, but when I can sleep in on a Saturday it's great!

Glenn had a Cub Scouts training session Saturday & I ran down to my dad's yard sale so my sister & I could go through a bunch of stuff. I came home with 5 boxes of books - more clutter? Maybe, but it was BOOKS!

We went out on a church outing Saturday night which was a blast. Then church on Sunday and NOTHING Sunday afternoon. Even went on a coffee run with my neighbor ladies Sunday night.

It sounds like a lot, but it was all relaxing and fun and the weather was beautiful. Yes, it was a little chilly in middle Tennessee, but that's how I like it. I'm a homebody and I love just hanging out with my friends. This weekend, I was with a different group of friends each time. It was really great for me. I feel refreshed and ready to start the summer months. We needed a break from all the craziness we live with and schedules we have to meet.

Friday, May 16

Enough already!

So, we've had all these issues with Garrett's eyes. He has what we hope is the final appointment with all of this early next month.

Never, never, never think it's over...This week, it's poison ivy. Yep. Right at the corner of his eye where you can't put anything on it. Have you ever tried to keep a seven year old from scratching an itch? Or just keeping his hands away from his face?! Yeah, not happening.

So, I called the doctor - let me say this here: not in a panic. I knew I couldn't put the pink stuff on it because of where it was. I simply wanted to talk to the nurse and find out what I could do -Well, I guess the doctor needs to fill her gas tank and needs some of my money to do it. We had to go in. So they could look at it and tell me to give him an anithistamine. Yeah, so I'm just a tad irritated with his doc. But Garrett - well, I hesitate to say he's fine because that's just asking for trouble in this house - is dealing with it.

And me, we'll let's just say if this keeps up I'm going to have to find a padded room somewhere!

Monday, May 12

Mother's Day - Part 2

I didn't mean for my Mother's Day post to be depressing. It's true, Mother's Day is a hard day for me. I'm sure it is for all those who don't have their mothers any more.

I have truly wonderful children & husband. AND extended family. We don't like dealing with the crowds, so we go to my aunt's for lunch - my uncle makes the best. mashed potatoes. EVER! We exchange cards, play with the kids, relax, whatever. I even took a NAP when we got home!

I got my very own remote for our new Wii. And a movie my kids have been dying to see (my husband lets them pick out their own gifts). I have the pictures they drew me and the Mother's Day projects they do at school - those are my favorite gifts anyway.

It's a good day, really, but it's a hard week leading up to it. I hope all the other mommies out there had a good day. Now, it's back to work...

Saturday, May 10

Mother's Day

Mother's day is the hardest of the holidays for me. Glenn knows how I feel, but I try to keep the boys out of it. I make a big deal of the gifts and cards they make at school. And he takes them to get something. But he keeps it low key for me. That's all I need. That, and extra hugs & kisses and to just sit and relax for one day.

I have one piece of Mother's Day advice: Don't just love all the women in your life - show them, appreciate them. And not just on the second Sunday of May. All the time.

Happy Mother's Day!