Monday, November 26


Yes, at my house that is plural. It used to just be two - as a married woman who lives less than a minute from her dad and less than an hour from her in-laws, I can accept that. My aunt (mom's sister) always has it at her house on Thursday at about lunchtime. Then my in-laws on Saturday. It's been that way for years.

But this year, my dad's wife decided she wanted Thanksgiving. Long story short: rather than give up Thanksgiving or have a conflict, my aunt moved hers to Friday. And Saturday? At my house! Plus, we always cook dinner for one or two families my dad works with throughout the year. AND that doesn't include the Cub Scouts dinner on Monday night, or two work lunches (one at his, one at mine) we had to cook a dish for.

So, almost every night last week, Glenn & I were up until after midnight - one night it was almost 2. Of course, we had to clean our house. AND get the tree up - it had lights but no ornaments by lunch on Saturday. And Wednesday night, we had to make a turkey (for one of the families). Thursday morning, we cooked ham & made tea. Thursday night, I made two pumpkin pies & cranberry relish for Friday. Friday night, I cooked another pumpkin pie. Saturday morning, another ham, macaroni & cheese & more tea.

And after everyone left our house on Saturday, being who I am, I had to re-clean part of the house and we finished the tree. I didn't actually sit down until after the kids went to bet at 10:30.

It was busy, but we did relax and hang out with family for several hours each day. So, it was all worth it. But man, am I tired. Next year, I may take the Monday after off instead of the Wednesday before.

Hope yours was great, too!

Monday, November 19


My oldest child got glasses. I'm not surprised - both my husband & I have them. We just got them much later in life than 7 years old. We're all very happy about the glasses, because the alternative is surgery.

A few months ago a friend of mine who teaches his Sunday school class asked me what was wrong with his eyes. So I started watching him. His left eye wouldn't focus when he got tired. As a matter of fact, it would "drift" out. So, last month, I called to make him an appointment with a pediatric opthamologist.

The day before Halloween, we went. Turns out, the "drift" is in both eyes. The problem is muscular - the solution: surgery. AND, the doctor tells me this usually shows up at 3 or 4 - not 7. So, before he has surgery, he has to have a CT scan to make sure the problem is not neurological. But, most likely, we just haven't noticed it for the last four years! Yes, I am the worst. mother. EVER!

Anyway, during the exam, the doctor discovers he has a "slight nearsightedness". (I should add here that he has had regular pediatrician visits, was tested for lazy eye when he was less than 2, and has even been to an optometrist and no one has found any problems.) So, the new plan was to get the child glasses and see if that works. But the doctor was not optimistic.

On Halloween, I took him and the prescription to get the glasses. The Friday after, we still had to go for the CT scan. He didn't like it, but he did okay. Still, we spent the weekend worried about all of it. Doing research on his problem, trying to figure out what they'll do during the surgery, etc.

November 6, we went for the follow up. My husband didn't want me to go alone this time, so he took some vacation time to go with us. We just felt like two adults listening would be better than one. And he might think of different questions than I would. Though we were praying for the best, we were, quite frankly, prepared for the worst.

Well - Garrett's fine. The CT was normal and the glasses are fixing it. He loves the glasses, and isn't having any trouble. He's learning to take care of them. And his friends have all told him how cool they are. We are all VERY RELIEVED. No surgery, at least not now. We go back in February for another follow up.

I've also been very impressed with the friends he has chosen (and their parents). Only one child has said anything negative about the glasses: a younger brother of one of his friends. A child who is still too young to really know any better. It makes him different from most of them and they all think it's pretty cool. No one has treated him any differently, called him names or any of the other problems I anticipated and was trying to figure out how to deal with.

I knew I was stressed, but I didn't realize how stressed until it was gone. It was only a week, but it felt like an eternity. We would have dealt with whatever happened, he would have, too. But we're grateful it wasn't the worst. In fact, it was the best case. Our prayers were answered. So, instead of spending our Thanksgiving or Christmas break nursing a child that's had surgery, we get to do all the regular - and much more fun - stuff.

Wednesday, November 7

35 is...

Better than 25. I get lots of strange looks when I say that. Especially from the under 35 group. But it's true.

Here are some of my reasons...

1 - At 25 I had no children. At 35, I have the two most amazing boys ever. I would never go back!

2 - At 25, We'd been married less than two years and we were still learning to live with each other. At 35, We've been married for 11 1/2 years and it's only gotten better.

3 - At 25, we'd just bought our first house. A tiny box of about 1200 square feet. Ten years later, we have our dream home and are working to make it even better.

4 - At 25, we still lived in another town where I wasn't really happy. Now, we live in my hometown, in a neighborhood where we have made some great friends - and so have our kids.

5 - At 25, I had just started my first job and was making less than half what I make now.

6 - At 25, we had two school loans, two vehicle loans, and a house payment and no savings. Now, it's just the house and enough savings to survive for several months.

7 - At 25, we attended a church where I didn't really feel welcome. Now, we attend a friendly, acitve, energetic church where we have close friends.

8 - At 25, I wasn't comfortable in my own skin. Now, I've learned to improve what I can and accept (mostly) what I can't.

9 - At 25, I thought I knew what I wanted - now, I know what I want.

And one more...
10 - I'm going to put this as delicately as possible: There are advantages to being a woman in your mid-30s. These are advantages to my husband as well...

I joke that I'm like a fine wine and just get better with age. I believe everyone should continue to grow - you grow or you die. I work on improving myself and my situation. I'm not perfect, but I'm better than I was.

Monday, November 5

When it rains...

It POURS! It's been a really crappy week around here.

Here's hoping it gets better - fast.

More later...