Friday, February 27

This is a BAD IDEA

This is real. And it's a bad idea. For ANY president.

Rep. Jose Serrano (D-NY) introduced H.J. Res. 5, which reads, "Proposing an
amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second
article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an
individual may serve as President."

It has no co-sponsors and is currently in sub-committee. Who knows what will happen. I will be watching the progress of this bill. There are other issues I'm concerned with as well. But is there any doubt the current president would run again after two terms? And if he does, we will be stuck with his bad policies for too many years. Of course, we're already stuck for the next 4 years and that is bad enough.


Sick child + rainy weather = no tea party

Tuesday, February 24

Nashville Tea Party

The movement has expanded...
Date: Friday, February 27, 2009

Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Location: Legislative Plaza
I have a sick child, but if he is any better and the weather will allow, he & I are going. He needs to see this. He needs to know that citizens can stand up for what they believe. If you are in the Nashville area and are against the bailouts - of any kind - you should be there, too. These are happening all across the country - find one near you!

Saturday, February 21

Rant of the year!

Go to the site & watch the video. This is AWESOME! There is a similar initiative for Memphis as well for those who may not be able to travel to Chicago...


Monday, February 16


He made a liar out of me. He sent me chocolate covered strawberries for V-day.

Friday, February 13

Happy Valentine's Day

I don't like Valentine's Day. Never really have. Funny thing is, I married the perfect man in that respect. He doesn't either. Once, when we were dating, we decided we'd go out for dinner. HA! We couldn't find a restaurant that had less than a 2 hour wait. Then he suggested we go out to some fast food place. Well, you don't get me to fix my hair and make-up for FAST FOOD. You just don't. Anyway, it was one of the worst fights we'd had to that point. Mostly because we were both hungry and a little cranky. And I just did not want a burger. That was at least 13 years ago.

We haven't celebrated Valentine's Day since.

Now, before you say anything. Let me tell you - I don't need a special day to tell my husband how much I love him. And I don't need flowers or candy to know how much he loves me. I'd rather he just help me clean the house. Or take the boys outside so I could take a long bath. And he'd rather...well, never mind.

Even if we went out to eat, it could cost us better than $100 by the time we paid for babysitting. And do you know how hard it is to find someone available on Valentine's weekend?! And how crowded restaurants are?! And all of that would just stress me out. Not worth it.

Anyway, we do have a day we celebrate - our anniversary - just 3 months later - so that works for us.

Have a happy Valentine's Day anyway everyone. I'll have a good day - even if I don't get flowers, candy or a hot date!

Monday, February 9

Musical Memories

In college, I was in a chorus called the Sonshine Singers. I absolutely loved it. I did it all 4 years and the best friends I have from college are from that group. The best memories I have are also from our perfomances and trips across the eastern US. There are times I miss singing in a group like that. Sometimes, I even miss the long trips on the bus. I always miss seeing my friends from that time and wish I could see them more.

Last night in church, I had a flashback. Our songleader led a song that we used to sing during performances. This happens all the time. Sometimes I have trouble singing the song because we sang it slightly different or because it makes me miss it more than usual. Sometimes it's because it's funny. Missed lines, messed up words, the little jokes we would play on each other & our director.

But this one was laugh out loud funny for some reason. I don't know why, really. We've sung this song before. It just struck me wrong last night. The name of the song is "Power in the Blood" and it was in our show one year. We used to spread out during church service and then we'd go to the front after service was over to perform. The songleader that night led that song. And was very demonstrative during the song. VERY. It's hard to describe. And we were all sort of snickering, because we were about to get up and sing the very same song...We didn't. As a matter of fact, our director told us before we started - we're not doing that song.

For some reason, last night, it was just plain funny. And you know how it is...everything is funnier when you're not supposed to be laughing!

Tuesday, February 3

I Love February!

I don't love the weather. And I despise Valentine's Day (long story). But this is turning out to be a good financial month for us - every year. First of all, it's bonus month at my company. We simply add that money to what we have saved for our vacation since it's not in our budget. I don't know what mine is, yet. But any extra helps. Secondly, it's "opt out" month here also. Which means, since we use my husband's health insurance, I get extra for opting out of ours. That's also extra vacation money. Again, since we don't count on it every year, we don't put it in our budget. And it's tax month. Our W2's are here, so we'll e-file our taxes this weekend (probably) and should have the money in our account by the end of the month. That goes into the savings account since if we'd been getting it throughout the year, that's what we would have done with it.

This year - it's even better. I just locked in a fabulous refinance rate on our home! So, we just knocked 1.75% off our interest rate and 8 1/2 years off of our loan! And over $200 a month off of our payment as a result of all of that. We have been putting this re-fi off for a while, but now, with the credit markets all but crippled, the interest rates are dropping. That makes it prime time for people like us - no debt, near perfect credit - to take advantage of it. Now, I'm not advocating taking out any addtional loans. And we didn't. We aren't taking out any extra. Simply taking what we owe on our house & getting a better loan. No money out and a shorter term.

In some small way, this makes up for the crappy weather this week.