Monday, September 15

Does History Repeat Itself?

It almost happened again. So, I had these plans. And actually, we did have a party and a good time. But we had a little scare.

Garrett hit his face on his bike handlebars & knocked out a tooth. Thank goodness it was only a baby tooth. But it wasn't loose - and neither were the two on either side of that one that are now very loose. You know when you pull a tooth too soon how much blood there is? Yeah, it was unpleasant. Add to that, the busted lip. It was a very hard hit, so I called the pediatrician (yes, I know they don't do teeth, but my dentist's emergency number is 911) and he said get the bleeding stopped and make sure the other two weren't going to fall out while he was sleeping and call the dentist on Monday. So I did.

We went to the dentist this morning and had x-rays. Everything looks good. It was a hard hit, but didn't break any teeth or bones and didn't damage the permanent teeth.

Guess what - school pictures are tomorrow. Just like last time.

Anyway. We had a great redneck party. A lazy Saturday and I got the boys' closets cleaned out on Sunday. All in all, a fun, productive weekend.

Friday, September 12

Workin' for the Weekend

Really, I have nothing interesting to say. I just wanted to get the rant off the top of the blog...

It's been a crazy, busy couple of weeks here. To borrow a phrase from someone I know - I'm so busy I make ants look lazy. Last week, of course, we had a picnic on Labor Day so we crashed when we got home Monday night...That's when it all started.

Tuesday I had a PTO meeting. Wednesday: church. Thursday: open house at school. Friday, my husband left at 6 am to go to his Woodbadge campout and was gone till Sunday evening. I stayed busy with the boys all weekend.

Side note here: I have always admired those that raise kids alone and I was reminded last weekend just how amazing those parents are. And I was reminded how wonderful it is to be able to do it with someone. And how grateful I am for my husband.

This week was just as bad. We started Cub Scouts Monday night. Tuesday: Cub Scout leader meeting. Wednesday: church. Thursday: District Round Table for the local Cub Scout packs and Boy Scout troops.

And that's just the extra. We both work, both boys have homework, projects and all kinds of things to do.

I am looking forward to a "redneck party" tonight. Camping chairs, fire pit, munchie food, drinks, and just relaxing & chatting with my friends in the cul-de-sac. Then nothing tomorrow. Just hanging out with my 3 boys. I may even try to carve out a couple of hours with out the two youngest so my husband & I can have some "grown up time".

I hope everyone else has a wonderful weekend as well!

Friday, September 5

Brace Yourselves

I make it a point not to write political posts. If anyone reading this knows me, they know my politics. I am not shy about discussing them. As a matter of fact, I hope to have the appropriate bumper sticker and yard sign soon. I don't want to offend anyone, and even though I try to be diplomatic about it, some people just can't take it, and sometimes, I just lose it. I'm about to lose it.

That said, I am APPALLED at the way people are treating Sarah Palin. Whether you agree with her politics or not, this is a smart, well spoken and qualified woman. She married her high school sweetheart, raised a family and is still married. Her son is leaving soon for the military. She CHOSE to have her last child knowing he had Down Syndrome. She led a city government and is leading a state government successfully.

Those that claim they are feminists should be ashamed of themselves. Those that claim they support women's causes and want to shatter the glass ceiling ought to as well. Why ask the question "who needs her more"? Would those people EVER ask that question of a man? Yes, she has a young family - so does Barack Obama. Yes, her daughter made a mistake - how many other 17 year olds have made the same one and then compounded it by ending that pregnancy, or just gotten lucky they didn't get pregnant. Who's to say that young couple wasn't already considering marriage.

Is it a decision I would make? Probably not. I don't like working and I want to be home. But that is MY decision and this is hers. Feminism should be about choice & opportunity for women. If I choose to work, I should have the same opportunities & rewards as men. If a man chooses to stay home, he should not be treated as a pariah by other men or the stay at home moms.

Sarah Palin chooses to work. She chose to work for her PTA, her city, her state and now her country. If she chose to work as an attorney or nurse, would those criticizing her have the same reaction? If she had murdered that precious child, would they feel the same? If her daughter had murdered her child, what would be said? This is disgusting.

Question her policies if you must. Even her qualifications should be questioned and researched (by Republicans as well as Democrats). But it is wrong to question her ability to raise her family without questioning the same about the men in this race.

And finally, was this question asked about Geraldine Ferraro? (I don't remember, I'm too young). And would it have been asked about Hilary Clinton? Ultimately, the problem for these people is not that she has 5 children, one of whom has special needs. It is not that her oldest daughter is pregnant and chose to have her baby and marry the father. It is not that "her children need her more". It is that she is on (what they consider) the wrong ticket.

Tuesday, September 2

Eight Years Old

Eight. It's really incredible how much he's growing up. He's more responsible and showing more maturity every day. I think he even likes a girl (but don't tell him I told you). His turning 8 isn't as big a jolt as his starting the 3rd grade. I think I had a little harder time with that (don't ask me why, okay). Still, it's amazing to think of how he's growing up - I'm more impressed with him every day. Happy Birthday Garrett!

Note: Just like with his brother, this post is late. His birthday was actually Sunday. And the band-aid in the picture? This was the day after the golf ball incident.