Saturday, February 9

The Flu is Here

First, let me say up front, that no, we didn't get the flu shots. To some, this makes me the worst parent in the world. The pediatrician does not like it either. I haven't had the flu in almost 10 years. I've known my husband for 14 years and have never seen him have it. Neither of my children has ever had the flu. Yes, they've had ear infections and we all get that sinus crap every year. But never the flu. Guess what.

First, my 3 year old starts running a fever with no other symptoms. When the fever goes away and he's able to go back to school, the aches and stuff start. He was patient number 1 in this house. That was Wednesday. They put both my kids on that very expensive flu treatment medicine.

Thursday morning, it was me. But I had it all, fever, aches, sick stomach. So, I went to the doctor and got the same medicine. They wrote a prescription for my husband, too. This morning, he woke up with it.

Only my 7 year old has escaped it so far. And I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he can continue to fight it off. He's so bored with all of us because we have no energy to play with him. Or really, even get up off our sorry tails and feed him.

I think the house might actually have it. It was pretty today, so we opened up the windows for a while to let the place air out. I still need to clean it all really good, but just don't have the energy yet. Maybe tomorrow.

I'm hoping next week things are back to normal. I've had about all I can handle for now.

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