Monday, November 26


Yes, at my house that is plural. It used to just be two - as a married woman who lives less than a minute from her dad and less than an hour from her in-laws, I can accept that. My aunt (mom's sister) always has it at her house on Thursday at about lunchtime. Then my in-laws on Saturday. It's been that way for years.

But this year, my dad's wife decided she wanted Thanksgiving. Long story short: rather than give up Thanksgiving or have a conflict, my aunt moved hers to Friday. And Saturday? At my house! Plus, we always cook dinner for one or two families my dad works with throughout the year. AND that doesn't include the Cub Scouts dinner on Monday night, or two work lunches (one at his, one at mine) we had to cook a dish for.

So, almost every night last week, Glenn & I were up until after midnight - one night it was almost 2. Of course, we had to clean our house. AND get the tree up - it had lights but no ornaments by lunch on Saturday. And Wednesday night, we had to make a turkey (for one of the families). Thursday morning, we cooked ham & made tea. Thursday night, I made two pumpkin pies & cranberry relish for Friday. Friday night, I cooked another pumpkin pie. Saturday morning, another ham, macaroni & cheese & more tea.

And after everyone left our house on Saturday, being who I am, I had to re-clean part of the house and we finished the tree. I didn't actually sit down until after the kids went to bet at 10:30.

It was busy, but we did relax and hang out with family for several hours each day. So, it was all worth it. But man, am I tired. Next year, I may take the Monday after off instead of the Wednesday before.

Hope yours was great, too!

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