Wednesday, November 7

35 is...

Better than 25. I get lots of strange looks when I say that. Especially from the under 35 group. But it's true.

Here are some of my reasons...

1 - At 25 I had no children. At 35, I have the two most amazing boys ever. I would never go back!

2 - At 25, We'd been married less than two years and we were still learning to live with each other. At 35, We've been married for 11 1/2 years and it's only gotten better.

3 - At 25, we'd just bought our first house. A tiny box of about 1200 square feet. Ten years later, we have our dream home and are working to make it even better.

4 - At 25, we still lived in another town where I wasn't really happy. Now, we live in my hometown, in a neighborhood where we have made some great friends - and so have our kids.

5 - At 25, I had just started my first job and was making less than half what I make now.

6 - At 25, we had two school loans, two vehicle loans, and a house payment and no savings. Now, it's just the house and enough savings to survive for several months.

7 - At 25, we attended a church where I didn't really feel welcome. Now, we attend a friendly, acitve, energetic church where we have close friends.

8 - At 25, I wasn't comfortable in my own skin. Now, I've learned to improve what I can and accept (mostly) what I can't.

9 - At 25, I thought I knew what I wanted - now, I know what I want.

And one more...
10 - I'm going to put this as delicately as possible: There are advantages to being a woman in your mid-30s. These are advantages to my husband as well...

I joke that I'm like a fine wine and just get better with age. I believe everyone should continue to grow - you grow or you die. I work on improving myself and my situation. I'm not perfect, but I'm better than I was.

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