Friday, September 12

Workin' for the Weekend

Really, I have nothing interesting to say. I just wanted to get the rant off the top of the blog...

It's been a crazy, busy couple of weeks here. To borrow a phrase from someone I know - I'm so busy I make ants look lazy. Last week, of course, we had a picnic on Labor Day so we crashed when we got home Monday night...That's when it all started.

Tuesday I had a PTO meeting. Wednesday: church. Thursday: open house at school. Friday, my husband left at 6 am to go to his Woodbadge campout and was gone till Sunday evening. I stayed busy with the boys all weekend.

Side note here: I have always admired those that raise kids alone and I was reminded last weekend just how amazing those parents are. And I was reminded how wonderful it is to be able to do it with someone. And how grateful I am for my husband.

This week was just as bad. We started Cub Scouts Monday night. Tuesday: Cub Scout leader meeting. Wednesday: church. Thursday: District Round Table for the local Cub Scout packs and Boy Scout troops.

And that's just the extra. We both work, both boys have homework, projects and all kinds of things to do.

I am looking forward to a "redneck party" tonight. Camping chairs, fire pit, munchie food, drinks, and just relaxing & chatting with my friends in the cul-de-sac. Then nothing tomorrow. Just hanging out with my 3 boys. I may even try to carve out a couple of hours with out the two youngest so my husband & I can have some "grown up time".

I hope everyone else has a wonderful weekend as well!

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