Monday, September 15

Does History Repeat Itself?

It almost happened again. So, I had these plans. And actually, we did have a party and a good time. But we had a little scare.

Garrett hit his face on his bike handlebars & knocked out a tooth. Thank goodness it was only a baby tooth. But it wasn't loose - and neither were the two on either side of that one that are now very loose. You know when you pull a tooth too soon how much blood there is? Yeah, it was unpleasant. Add to that, the busted lip. It was a very hard hit, so I called the pediatrician (yes, I know they don't do teeth, but my dentist's emergency number is 911) and he said get the bleeding stopped and make sure the other two weren't going to fall out while he was sleeping and call the dentist on Monday. So I did.

We went to the dentist this morning and had x-rays. Everything looks good. It was a hard hit, but didn't break any teeth or bones and didn't damage the permanent teeth.

Guess what - school pictures are tomorrow. Just like last time.

Anyway. We had a great redneck party. A lazy Saturday and I got the boys' closets cleaned out on Sunday. All in all, a fun, productive weekend.

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