Friday, September 4


Has it really been more than 4 months?! BTW, it's also been that long since I've read any blogs, too. It's been a busy summer with baseball and all the other things we've had going on.

Both boys have been in school just a little over a month. Colby is still learning the ropes and this week wasn't great, but he's learning and that's what's important. Garrett loves school, so I knew there weren't going to be any problems there. He's had a great year so far. We're happy with both teachers - I should say here that I've NEVER been disappointed with a teacher.

Both played baseball this summer which took up most of our free time. Add to that scout camp and once a month scout activities and we just were not home much at all. Both of them loved it and Garrett's going to be pretty good at it, I think.

They both had birthdays last month, so they are now 9 & 5. To have my baby turn 5 is a little overwhelming. I guess I shouldn't call him "the baby" any more. But I'm afraid that's what he'll always be. We didn't have any kind of big party since we're planning a big trip next month. And we just don't need any more stuff in this house, so I didn't want a bunch of kids bringing random toys as presents. And, quite frankly, we were just too crazy to plan anything.

It doesn't sound like we did a lot, but we just weren't home a lot. We managed to have some fun. We spent a lot of nights & Saturdays (after baseball ended) at The Streets playing in the fountain or at the park with the big playground. It was a mild summer for Tennessee so we weren't cooped up all summer and we spent a lot of time outside - away from the computer.

I'm sure I'll catch up on my reading and posting in the near future - maybe...Happy Fall Y'all!

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