Wednesday, December 5

December Already?!

WHAT?! Christmas is in less than three weeks? This is a joke, right? WOW!

Actually, we're doing pretty good. But time seems to be speeding up. I've always liked Christmas. But, I really have always preferred Thanksgiving. Then I had kids. Anyone who is a parent understands that statement. It's so much FUN now. This year is bittersweet for us. I suspect this may be the peak year for my 7 year old. It seems I was about 8 when I realized that Santa had my mom's handwriting (he left us a note every year). And my 3 year old is just starting to get it.

It makes Christmas so much more exciting to watch them. Not just the presents, but the decorations. The lights as we drive out of the neighborhood. My 3 year old points out the same house every. time. "MOOOOOOMMMMMMYYYYY! Look! It's Santa Claus!"

Not that he'll go anywhere near Santa. For the second year in a row, my Santa picture is only of Garrett. This year, Colby cried after we left Santa because he was afraid he wouldn't get anything. Then Garrett tells him not to worry because he told Santa what Colby wanted, too. It just made my heart melt to hear that. Already, it's not just about getting for him.

I've made all the lists, and we're finished decorating, and we've made a good start on the shopping. Pretty sure we'll shop everytime we don't have something else going on for the next 20 days.

Happy December!

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