Tuesday, January 27

How I Spent My "Snow" Day

Oh my goodness. Today was a "snow" day. Forget the fact that there is no snow or ice at my house. NONE. There are reasons for the snow day, legitimate ones. This is a large county with rural areas and just slightly to the north of us it was bad. Anyway. Because it was a snow day, I was working at home since we don't pay for child care during the school year. No big deal, I do it all the time. Only today was different.

The kids slept in, so it was late (a little after 10) when they decided they wanted breakfast. Fine, whatever. Here's your cereal, and I'm going downstairs to eat mine at my desk while I work. Then I hear Colby crying, and they're coming downstairs. I braced myself, fully prepared to give them a good lecture about how I'm working and they need to settle it themselves without fighting. HA. God has a way of teaching you a lesson sometimes and you just don't see it coming.

It happened again. Colby smacked his head - just below his eyebrow - on the kitchen counter. Lucky me. And of course, we're all in t-shirts & pajama pants. So, I get him settled & Garrett gets him a rag to hold over it. Garrett & I get dressed, he gets Colby's clothes together. I dressed Colby while Garrett ran around and found everyone's shoes and their DS's so they'd have something to do while we waited. I made all the phone calls from the car & we got to Vanderbilt fairly quickly.

He's not hurt, not bad. Four stitches and a Tetanus shot later, we're all home & resting. I guess getting stitches in your eyebrow is part of our family's tradition. At least there are no pictures tomorrow.

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