Thursday, March 5

Enough is Enough

Garrett has the flu. Well, that's not exactly accurate. He had the flu. Last week. He's been back at school this week. Even though he's been a little tired, that was all. And we just figured it was because he hadn't fully recovered. Until this morning...

He woke up with 103 temperature. It's not technically the flu, but just a bad virus. Today and tomorrow will be the 5th & 6th days of school he's missed this semester - and it's not even half over! He NEVER misses this much school. And he's miserable all around. It just breaks my heart.

And Colby. He woke up this morning with just a slight fever. But enough to send me to the doctor with him because of what's going on with his brother. And because he was throwing up. His problem...strep throat. At least he's not completely miserable. Just a sore throat & mild tummy ache.

Me, I have razor blades in my throat. Their doctor even looked at mine. But said it wasn't as red as theirs were, so I'm going to wait and see how it goes. My husband is extremely susceptible to strep. So who knows if he's next.

I'm thinking of burning the house down to get rid of all the germs. Just kidding. But I am going to change all the sheets & replace the toothbrushes. And if I'm up to it Saturday I'm going to disinfect the entire house! It's supposed to be in the 70s here, so I'll open the windows to chase the bugs out into the neighborhood.

It could be worse. It's just hard to watch my kids suffer and know there isn't much I can do about it. Enough is enough already - go away flu!

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