Tuesday, April 14

Tax Day Tea Party

So, tomorrow is April 15. An "anti-holiday" to most Americans. Now, my husband & I have already filed our taxes. He starts harassing me to put the paperwork together some time in mid-January every year. That way we're ready when the W-2s and other official paperwork arrive in the mail. And, we got a refund. Well, not a refund. We got our money back that we loaned to the federal government interest free. But I don't necessarily look at that number. I look at the actual tax due numbers. AND IT DRIVES ME CRAZY! If everyone had to actually write a check for their taxes in April instead of just getting back the extra the government took out of their checks, there would be a much larger revolt in this country. People, as a rule, just don't realize how much it is.

I am not one that believes there should be no taxes. I understand the government needs to provide defense and other items. I do not believe the government - at any level - should take care of people. YES, I know there are those that can't take care of themselves. I support charities that do that. And I believe the government has some role in that. But I believe the government has moved into supporting those that won't support themselves. I also believe the government is spending money where it shouldn't. Things that should be taken care of in the private sector - bailouts, anyone?

We need to be involved. I email my representatives & senators, both federal and state, regularly. I follow their websites & blogs and any legislation they sponsor and support. I monitor their voting records. I VOTE. Every. single. time. Now, it's time to do something else. In this country we still have the right to speak out.

I am taking a vacation day tomorrow to do just that. The Tea Party is tomorrow. There are hundreds of these nationwide. Here, in Tennessee, there is one at the capital in Nashville tomorrow at noon. Then there are county tea parties at 6pm all over the state. TWO chances to get involved. Once at the state level, once at the local level. TWO chances to make your voice heard. Guess what? We're going to both. I've never been to a protest before so this is new to me.

And we're taking our kids to the evening one. My kids vote with us. They knew by sight the candidates last year. My oldest got to where he could recognize their voices if he heard speeches from the other room. He also has a basic understanding of the Electoral College. And they both understand elections and the transfer of power. We're taking them because we think they need to understand "we, the people". Especially my oldest. They need to start learning now the responsibility we have to monitor those we elect.

Want to get involved? Find a Tea Party near you...http://taxdayteaparty.com/

By the way - don't just complain and protest. I have also emailed thank yous to my representatives and senators. Complain too much and they just quit listening. Tomorrow, I will take note of who listens and who doesn't and send them messages accordingly.

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