Friday, May 23

12 years and counting

Sunday is my 12th anniversary. That's a long time these days. Is my marriage perfect? Nope, because we're not. Is it always exciting? Nope. Is he always romantic? Nope. Is it always easy? No. But, you know what? We're happy. We're still married, still in love.

With two kids, two jobs & all the other stuff we have going on, it's more work than it used to be. It's harder to find time together. There are times when it seems like we're only parents and not husband & wife. Those of you with children should understand.

So what. It's worth it. I love him more than I did 12 years ago. I know more about love than I did 12 years ago. 12 years is not so very long considering the lengths of our parents' marriages. And my grandparents (both sets) were married for more than 50 years. But it's an accomplishment and we're proud of it.

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