Friday, May 16

Enough already!

So, we've had all these issues with Garrett's eyes. He has what we hope is the final appointment with all of this early next month.

Never, never, never think it's over...This week, it's poison ivy. Yep. Right at the corner of his eye where you can't put anything on it. Have you ever tried to keep a seven year old from scratching an itch? Or just keeping his hands away from his face?! Yeah, not happening.

So, I called the doctor - let me say this here: not in a panic. I knew I couldn't put the pink stuff on it because of where it was. I simply wanted to talk to the nurse and find out what I could do -Well, I guess the doctor needs to fill her gas tank and needs some of my money to do it. We had to go in. So they could look at it and tell me to give him an anithistamine. Yeah, so I'm just a tad irritated with his doc. But Garrett - well, I hesitate to say he's fine because that's just asking for trouble in this house - is dealing with it.

And me, we'll let's just say if this keeps up I'm going to have to find a padded room somewhere!

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