Monday, May 19

Finally - a weekend to relax...

This was the first weekend in months we haven't had a soccer game. And it was WONDERFUL!

Friday night we stayed out chatting and hanging out with our neighbor friends until after 2:30. Of course, I'm too old to do that every weekend, but when I can sleep in on a Saturday it's great!

Glenn had a Cub Scouts training session Saturday & I ran down to my dad's yard sale so my sister & I could go through a bunch of stuff. I came home with 5 boxes of books - more clutter? Maybe, but it was BOOKS!

We went out on a church outing Saturday night which was a blast. Then church on Sunday and NOTHING Sunday afternoon. Even went on a coffee run with my neighbor ladies Sunday night.

It sounds like a lot, but it was all relaxing and fun and the weather was beautiful. Yes, it was a little chilly in middle Tennessee, but that's how I like it. I'm a homebody and I love just hanging out with my friends. This weekend, I was with a different group of friends each time. It was really great for me. I feel refreshed and ready to start the summer months. We needed a break from all the craziness we live with and schedules we have to meet.

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