Wednesday, December 24
Tuesday, December 9
Music City Bowl
We made it! Trust me this is a big deal. It's the first time in 26 years. I remember it - I was 10. Not too much older than my oldest son is now.
I remember when Nashville got a bowl. It was all very exciting. While Nashville will always be more famous for the music, we are becoming quite a sports town: The Predators, Titans, Music City Bowl, Women's Final Four.
I always knew the streak would end. We would go to a bowl. But I never dreamed it would be the Music City Bowl. The point of the bowl system is so more teams can participate. Teams travel, the fans travel. The point of having a bowl in your city is for the money. Not just the game money, but the hotels, restaurants, tourist traps all make money. The city, county and state make tax money. So, why on earth would the Music City Bowl want Vanderbilt?!
But they're here. Playing Boston College. The team is treating it as if they are going across the country. Participating in all the events, staying in the hotel. I'm sure parents and family members of the participants will be here. And you know BC will have fans travel also. The university is encouraging all of it's fans to treat this as an out of town event as well. Apparently, Vanderbilt lobbied hard to get into this game. And Kentucky has been here a few times already. So, they're headed to Memphis and the Liberty Bowl and Vanderbilt is playing here! In the MUSIC CITY BOWL!
I'm planning on going! I can't believe it!!! A BOWL GAME! IN NASHVILLE!!!
Tuesday, December 2
Global Warming?
I'm just not buying the global warming arguments right now.
Tuesday, November 25
A Time for Thanksgiving
- I'm thankful that I was born in the USA. Particularly in the Southern US. This is truly the best country in the world - even with all of our problems. We have freedom to speak and worship as we please. I love the south. I would never live anywhere else. We have seasons here, mountains, lakes, cities, country areas. If Tennessee had a beach, it would be a perfect state.
- I'm thankful that my dad quit his job in east Tennessee (30 years ago) because he wanted to be back in Nashville. Even though I don't think my mom spoke to him for several months. Not only is the city a great place to be, being in the same city as Vanderbilt Hospital saved my mom's life all those years ago.
- I'm thankful for Vanderbilt Hospital. I'm convinced that, second only to prayer, they kept my mother alive for 25 years. They are caring and understanding. Honest, but gentle. They treat patients and families with respect. I've taken my son to the ER and he's had eye surgery there. And I have never had a bad experience with that hospital or any of its employees.
- I'm thankful that my boss (at one of my summer jobs in college) found out through the grapevine I had broken up with my boyfriend. And that she walked in one day and announced to my entire office how sorry she was, even though at the time I was mortified. And I'm thankful those co-workers decided I couldn't spend the summer alone and decided to fix me up with Glenn. It's the only time I was fixed-up and it's worked out pretty well.
- I'm thankful that I have boys. I joke that I prayed for patience and God gave me boys. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I don't know what in the world I would do with girls anyway.
- I'm thankful my little one won't sleep in his own bed right now. He sleeps with his brother. I hear Garrett reading to Colby. I hear them say "Goodnight" and "I love you" and lay in bed & giggle.
- I'm thankful for the Cub Scouts. Let me tell you, this is the best organization for boys I have ever seen. They teach respect, loyalty, reverence, self-reliance, kindness, etc. I'm proud to be involved with them.
- I'm thankful for my job. Though I wish I didn't have one, I'm happy with the one I've got. I'm thankful for its flexibility, its generousity, its paycheck.
- I'm thankful for my neighborhood and neighbors. I live in a six-house circle and I may never move! It's amazing how much alike we all are and how much we get along. These people are my extended family.
- I'm thankful for the elementary school. It's almost directly across the street from my backyard. We have never been disappointed in any of the teachers. The parents are extremely active in the school and it is one of the best in the county.
- I'm thankful to be a Christian. I'm thankful for my church family. I'm thankful that I can go anywhere in the country and feel at home in worship service.
- I'm thankful for Freed-Hardeman. No, I did not meet my husband there. But I got my education there. I lived there for 4 years. No, Henderson isn't my favorite town - I'm more of a city-girl. But it gave me a chance to be away from home. To learn to be responsible. To make friends that I will always have.
- I'm thankful that almost 7 years ago when I announced it was time to move, my husband didn't blink. I know he would have been happy to stay in Smyrna forever. He knew I wouldn't. He knew I wanted to be closer to my parents - especially my mom. He knew I wanted our child (the only one we had at the time) to spend a lot of time with her. So, we moved.
- I'm thankful for Dave Ramsey. I found his show in graduate school and have never looked back. We've been debt free (except for the house) for just over 8 years. It gives us a peace of mind that a lot of people don't have.
This is in no way complete; there is so much more. I may have more tomorrow, who knows. My point is, we should always be thankful for what we have - especially in tough times.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Saturday, November 15
I have nothing more to say...
Thursday, November 6
I Was Born on Election Day
I've always been ALL ABOUT my birthday. It's the only day that's all mine. My parents always made a big deal out of birthdays. Even if we couldn't afford a lot, there was always something special they did for us.
Five years ago, November 4, my mother passed away. She was buried - you guessed it - on my 31st birthday. Now, in fairness to my dad, he asked me about it before the arrangements were made. He would have moved the funeral to a different day (probably the next day) if I had asked him to. But really, it wouldn't have mattered. And there was no reason to prolong everything just for that. Now, 5 years later, at 36, I know I made the right decision. The whole stinking week has been hard.
It's hard, because when my mother was 31, she was diagnosed with multiple myeloma. Then when I turned 31, I didn't have her there to celebrate. And I've had 5 more healthy years than she did. When I turned 6, she had been diagnosed. My sister was 3. My kids are 8 & 4, and while I worry about everything, I haven't spent the last few years worried they would grow up without me.
It's a blessing, too. Because if anyone knows to cherish each and every day it is me (and my entire family). If anyone knows that birthdays and holidays are extra special it's us. We don't always remember that, but we always come back to it. It makes us celebrate even more with those we love. It makes me thankful for every day with my family. Even if they're getting on my last nerve.
It's also a blessing because my youngest child is a birthday present. That weekend, 5 years ago my husband was going to take me out while my sister kept my oldest overnight. She did, the next weekend. And nine months later? Colby. Poor child, he'll hate that when he gets older.
And it's hard, because this year, my husband has a training session for Cub Scouts at Boxwell. Yup, on my birthday. He's gonna owe me BIG next weekend. But at least I don't have to worry about another present nine months later.
Anyway, happy birthday to me. I cherish mine for so many reasons. Be sure you enjoy your days, too.
Wednesday, November 5
God Bless America
First, let me say that in one way, this country got it right. It was not about race. While there are still racists in this country and everywhere else, this is not a racist country. I did not vote for him, because his policies and values are not mine, not because of his color.
But his inexperience, his values, his economic policies are not good for America.
The first and second ammendments of the Constitution are in danger. Our military is in danger. Our borders will not be secured. Our national security is in danger.
Barack Obama is a supporter of the Fairness Doctrine and hate speech laws, both of which restrict free speech. He is a supporter of strict gun control. He, his running mate, and his supporters in Congress have all said the military budget will be cut. He supports amnesty for illegal immigrants. Even Joe Biden has said he will be tested in 6 months by other countries.
Barack Obama voted against care for babies born alive after an attempted abortion. He supports partial birth abortion. He supports gay marriage and making it mandatory that all states accept it.
He has said he will raise taxes out of "fairness" not necessity. He has said he will do so even now in the middle of a recession. He has said he will set standards that will "bankrupt the coal industry". Energy & gas prices will rise and people will lose their jobs so companies can attempt to remain in business. The DOW, S&P and Nasdaq are all falling today.
This country has survived worse. The Civil War, Reconstruction, the Great Depression. And it will continue to survive. We have survived bad presidents in the past as well. Most of those only lasted one term. I live here, so (unfortunately) he will by my president, too. I pray for the leaders of this country and will continue to do so - including Barack Obama.
I will also pray that we get it right next time and vote for substance and not style. We get someone that genuinely loves this country and wants to serve it, not for it to serve him. Someone that has ALWAYS been proud of his (or her) country, someone who has ALWAYS been hopeful and optimistic. Someone who KNOWS this is the best country in the world, not who thinks it can be.
Monday, October 27
Let's talk about Socialism
Barack Obama says he wants to "spread the wealth around". His own words to "Joe the plumber".
So, I went to looked up some key words
"spread": to distribute over a greater or a relatively great area
Barack Obama says he would raise taxes, not out of a need the goverment has for more money,(side note: history has proven the way for the goverment to get more money is to lower taxes) but "out of fairnes".
"fairness": characterized by equity or fairness; just and right; fair; reasonable.
But, he says he's not a socialist. So I looked up "socialism". Here is what I found:
- a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
- An economic system in which the production and distribution of goods are controlled substantially by the government rather than by private enterprise, and in which cooperation rather than competition guides economic activity. There are many varieties of socialism. Some socialists tolerate capitalism, as long as the government maintains the dominant influence over the economy; others insist on an abolition of private enterprise. All communists are socialists, but not all socialists are communists.
- a term applied about 1872, to a group of German political economists who advocated state aid for the betterment of the working classes.
- A theory or system of social reform which contemplates a complete reconstruction of society, with a more just and equitable distribution of property and labor.
Hmm, sounds like "spreading the wealth" to me...Then I looked up "socialist": One who advocates or practices the doctrines of socialism.
So, what's next? In Marxist theory, socialism is the step in between capitalism & communism.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" - Karl Marx
Yep - I think "socialist" the right word.
Thursday, October 16
Watch out for Murphy
I've known him for almost 15 years and he's only had 2 jobs. He doesn't "shop jobs" and doesn't leave unless he has no choice.
Last time it was the company - they closed the local repair center & we didn't want to move. This time it's about our family. His company basically told them they would be fired if they didn't start working nearly 60 hours weekly - including weekends - starting now. We have plans the next two weekends...Plus, he's the one that gets our son off the bus in the afternoons. He won't be home if he's working all those hours. HIS BOSS KNOWS THIS!!! Could we use the OT money? Who couldn't. Do we need it? Not to survive, no.
He's been an electronics technician of some type (consumer electronics & aircraft electronics) for 14 years. He's a very hard worker, enjoys what he does, great at trouble shooting problems and learns new things quickly. He's loyal - as I said, he's only had those two jobs since I've known him. And he is officially on the market again.
Wednesday, October 15
I've got nothing
It's a hard couple of weeks coming up. Not something I've dwelled on, but may be the underlying reason for my mood. And you know what? I don't need any more drama, so I'm dropping mine (at least this latest episode). "Too blessed to be stressed" is a cliche, but true all the same. I have a wonderful husband, great boys, a life that I enjoy. I'm through worrying about it. I just don't have time to worry about insignificant details.
It's a crazy, busy weekend around here. The Fall Festival at school is Saturday. Then the Pre-school track meet (my personal favorite sporting event) is Sunday. Add to that the Vandy-Geogia game (Go 'Dores) and the Titans (the only undefeated team left) game. These are things I truly enjoy.
Wednesday, October 8
Scary Stuff
Neither of us is too terribly concerned about our jobs because we have an emergency fund and we're both hard workers and willing to do anything to support our family. I understand there are people out there without jobs. I understand it's hard - I've been there. But, let me tell you something, I would clean houses, deliver newspapers , flip burgers or whatever else it took to keep my family afloat - so would my husband.
We are a dual income family that isn't living paycheck to paycheck, but not on easy street. My husband & I budget very carefully and live well within our means so that our children will be able to go to college and we can make our house payment in full and on time each month. We have no other debt and we have a decent emergency fund. We don't struggle, but we do have to be careful.
We aren't unique in money matters. There are a lot of people in our exact situation. Perhaps we are unique in that we aren't scared. We'll do what it takes to survive.
My point is, none of this money stuff scares me right now. Barack Obama does. There are a lot reasons he scares me, and maybe I'll talk about some of those later, but the economy is supposedly his strong point. And he's wrong.
We benefited from the tax cuts. Are we "super-wealthy"? Letting the tax cuts expire is the same as raising taxes - on everyone, not just those making over 250K. How else is going to pay for all of his entitlements? And if he raises taxes on businesses, who do you think is going to pay that additional cost? Not the business. Prices will go up.
I have compassion for those who need help. That is why I give to charities. Charities of my choice. Giving will suffer if taxes are raised. I will not change what I'm giving to my church (provided my income doesn't change). But others will. And we may not be able to give to some of the other charities currently on our list. And those charities, the people that work for them and the people that they help will be hurt.
Healthcare and health insurance are two different things. No hospital is going to turn someone in need away. But, the cost of healthcare for those of us that pay it is going up simply because so many don't pay for it. The hospitals have got to keep operating. The money has to come from somewhere. The government? Where is it going to get the money? US. And when the government takes over? You may not be able to get necessary tests or medicine because someone else will be making that decision for you.
Mortgages? Have you noticed the PMI on yours? Mine is around $90 a month. You know why we pay that? Because of all the people that default. Because of the sub-prime loans. Because banks (and Freddie & Fannie) got greedy and people made bad decisions.
Think the $700 billion bailout was a lot? You ain't seen nothin' yet.
NOTE: Let me say here, that I understand John McCain voted for some of this, too. I understand he leans toward big government. He was not my first choice in the primary. But, my priorities line up better with his that Obamas. Not just economically. And that made my decision.
Monday, October 6
It just gets better and better!
Check this out:
Vanderbilt hasn't been 5-0 since 1943. They haven't beaten Auburn since 1955. They haven't been ranked since 1984. There are a couple of other things that haven't been done in a while, but they haven't reached those goals just yet...
I'll be 36 next month and I've been a Vandy fan since I was old enough to say "Go 'Dores". I tell my husband (the UT fan) I was raised right. I've been through it all: the 24 years between UT wins, the multiple seasons without an SEC win. I was at the game where they broke a several season streak and won an SEC game. The one where the cops ran the students off the field before they got to the goal posts. I've been to games with less attendance than the local high schools have. I've been to the UT games with more orange in the stands than gold, the Alabama games with more red. I've been to games and stayed to the bitter end while the stadium emptied. I've watched them lead teams going into the 4th quarter only to blow it. I've listened to the local sports guys say they shouldn't even be in the SEC. (side note here: football is the only sport in which they don't compete with the rest of the conference, so there was never any real reason for them to be out). I've watched the seasons where they start 4-0 (most recently 2005) only to miss out on a bowl game because they blew the rest of the season.
My point is I am a true fan. There are a lot of us out there. As a Vanderbilt fan, you learn not to trash talk. You learn to cheer quietly. You learn to be proud of the small accomplishments. And we are finally starting to get louder. We are finally starting to be rewarded. And we are nervous. (I watched Saturday night's game between my fingers.) But we are proud and we believe...
Monday, September 29
More WOW!!
One of six SEC teams in the top 25... (See #19)
And did you ever think you'd see this?...
Monday, September 22
Monday, September 15
Does History Repeat Itself?
Garrett hit his face on his bike handlebars & knocked out a tooth. Thank goodness it was only a baby tooth. But it wasn't loose - and neither were the two on either side of that one that are now very loose. You know when you pull a tooth too soon how much blood there is? Yeah, it was unpleasant. Add to that, the busted lip. It was a very hard hit, so I called the pediatrician (yes, I know they don't do teeth, but my dentist's emergency number is 911) and he said get the bleeding stopped and make sure the other two weren't going to fall out while he was sleeping and call the dentist on Monday. So I did.
We went to the dentist this morning and had x-rays. Everything looks good. It was a hard hit, but didn't break any teeth or bones and didn't damage the permanent teeth.
Guess what - school pictures are tomorrow. Just like last time.
Anyway. We had a great redneck party. A lazy Saturday and I got the boys' closets cleaned out on Sunday. All in all, a fun, productive weekend.
Friday, September 12
Workin' for the Weekend
It's been a crazy, busy couple of weeks here. To borrow a phrase from someone I know - I'm so busy I make ants look lazy. Last week, of course, we had a picnic on Labor Day so we crashed when we got home Monday night...That's when it all started.
Tuesday I had a PTO meeting. Wednesday: church. Thursday: open house at school. Friday, my husband left at 6 am to go to his Woodbadge campout and was gone till Sunday evening. I stayed busy with the boys all weekend.
Side note here: I have always admired those that raise kids alone and I was reminded last weekend just how amazing those parents are. And I was reminded how wonderful it is to be able to do it with someone. And how grateful I am for my husband.
This week was just as bad. We started Cub Scouts Monday night. Tuesday: Cub Scout leader meeting. Wednesday: church. Thursday: District Round Table for the local Cub Scout packs and Boy Scout troops.
And that's just the extra. We both work, both boys have homework, projects and all kinds of things to do.
I am looking forward to a "redneck party" tonight. Camping chairs, fire pit, munchie food, drinks, and just relaxing & chatting with my friends in the cul-de-sac. Then nothing tomorrow. Just hanging out with my 3 boys. I may even try to carve out a couple of hours with out the two youngest so my husband & I can have some "grown up time".
I hope everyone else has a wonderful weekend as well!
Friday, September 5
Brace Yourselves
That said, I am APPALLED at the way people are treating Sarah Palin. Whether you agree with her politics or not, this is a smart, well spoken and qualified woman. She married her high school sweetheart, raised a family and is still married. Her son is leaving soon for the military. She CHOSE to have her last child knowing he had Down Syndrome. She led a city government and is leading a state government successfully.
Those that claim they are feminists should be ashamed of themselves. Those that claim they support women's causes and want to shatter the glass ceiling ought to as well. Why ask the question "who needs her more"? Would those people EVER ask that question of a man? Yes, she has a young family - so does Barack Obama. Yes, her daughter made a mistake - how many other 17 year olds have made the same one and then compounded it by ending that pregnancy, or just gotten lucky they didn't get pregnant. Who's to say that young couple wasn't already considering marriage.
Is it a decision I would make? Probably not. I don't like working and I want to be home. But that is MY decision and this is hers. Feminism should be about choice & opportunity for women. If I choose to work, I should have the same opportunities & rewards as men. If a man chooses to stay home, he should not be treated as a pariah by other men or the stay at home moms.
Sarah Palin chooses to work. She chose to work for her PTA, her city, her state and now her country. If she chose to work as an attorney or nurse, would those criticizing her have the same reaction? If she had murdered that precious child, would they feel the same? If her daughter had murdered her child, what would be said? This is disgusting.
Question her policies if you must. Even her qualifications should be questioned and researched (by Republicans as well as Democrats). But it is wrong to question her ability to raise her family without questioning the same about the men in this race.
And finally, was this question asked about Geraldine Ferraro? (I don't remember, I'm too young). And would it have been asked about Hilary Clinton? Ultimately, the problem for these people is not that she has 5 children, one of whom has special needs. It is not that her oldest daughter is pregnant and chose to have her baby and marry the father. It is not that "her children need her more". It is that she is on (what they consider) the wrong ticket.
Tuesday, September 2
Eight Years Old

Note: Just like with his brother, this post is late. His birthday was actually Sunday. And the band-aid in the picture? This was the day after the golf ball incident.
Thursday, August 28
2008 Olympics
I especially love to watch the medal ceremonies. To watch (mostly young) people stand with a gold medal and sing their national anthems is really very moving. I love to watch the tales of sportsmanship and finishing even though you are dead last. It's all about being there for most of the athletes.
I don't like professional sports - I really don't like NBA basketball. But, I must say, I heard interviews with the players and coaches of the Olympic basketball team and I am impressed. Maybe it was fake, I don't know. But it felt good for them to win.
And to see what happened in swimming. It made the second week of track and field almost anti-climatic. And to know that some of the swimmers were voluntarily undergoing drug tests - even Michael Phelps.
This time, the controversy was kept to a minimum and the competition was exciting. Some races were close, some games were down to the wire. Some had unexpected outcomes, some were never in doubt. It was an enjoyable two weeks. Now we wait - another 2 years for Winter, 4 for Summer games.
Tuesday, August 5
Four Years Old
Wednesday, June 18
Most Embarrassing Moments
Well, I have a new moment. I shut my finger in the car door. The middle finger of my right hand (yep, I'm right-handed). I'm not sure I'll have a permanent scar, but I've been in a stupid finger splint for two weeks and that is plenty. I knew it was bad - I thought it was broken. I was putting my kids in the car, had just finished strapping Colby in and - *BAM*! Oh, man. I'm not going to go into detail. But I had to get on my knees in the garage for a minute to recover.
I took the kids to school and drove myself to my doctor's office. He looked at it and decided it was broken so he sent me for an x-ray. Now, if your finger is crooked and looks broken and they decide that it's not - it's bad. Turns out, I damaged everything else in my finger. Nerves, ligaments, blood vessels. He told me I'd probably wish I had broken it before it was all over. He was right.
I'm finally (after two weeks) out of the splint. I'm typing but every time I hit the "I", "K" or comma it sends tingles up that finger. I can't grip anything with that finger and if I shake that hand (like you would shake water off after washing your hands) it feels like the end of my finger is coming off.
So, there you have it. I won't say my most embarrassing moment, but my most recent embarrassing moment.
Wednesday, June 11
It's Over!
Friday, May 23
12 years and counting
With two kids, two jobs & all the other stuff we have going on, it's more work than it used to be. It's harder to find time together. There are times when it seems like we're only parents and not husband & wife. Those of you with children should understand.
So what. It's worth it. I love him more than I did 12 years ago. I know more about love than I did 12 years ago. 12 years is not so very long considering the lengths of our parents' marriages. And my grandparents (both sets) were married for more than 50 years. But it's an accomplishment and we're proud of it.
Monday, May 19
Finally - a weekend to relax...
Friday night we stayed out chatting and hanging out with our neighbor friends until after 2:30. Of course, I'm too old to do that every weekend, but when I can sleep in on a Saturday it's great!
Glenn had a Cub Scouts training session Saturday & I ran down to my dad's yard sale so my sister & I could go through a bunch of stuff. I came home with 5 boxes of books - more clutter? Maybe, but it was BOOKS!
We went out on a church outing Saturday night which was a blast. Then church on Sunday and NOTHING Sunday afternoon. Even went on a coffee run with my neighbor ladies Sunday night.
It sounds like a lot, but it was all relaxing and fun and the weather was beautiful. Yes, it was a little chilly in middle Tennessee, but that's how I like it. I'm a homebody and I love just hanging out with my friends. This weekend, I was with a different group of friends each time. It was really great for me. I feel refreshed and ready to start the summer months. We needed a break from all the craziness we live with and schedules we have to meet.
Friday, May 16
Enough already!
Never, never, never think it's over...This week, it's poison ivy. Yep. Right at the corner of his eye where you can't put anything on it. Have you ever tried to keep a seven year old from scratching an itch? Or just keeping his hands away from his face?! Yeah, not happening.
So, I called the doctor - let me say this here: not in a panic. I knew I couldn't put the pink stuff on it because of where it was. I simply wanted to talk to the nurse and find out what I could do -Well, I guess the doctor needs to fill her gas tank and needs some of my money to do it. We had to go in. So they could look at it and tell me to give him an anithistamine. Yeah, so I'm just a tad irritated with his doc. But Garrett - well, I hesitate to say he's fine because that's just asking for trouble in this house - is dealing with it.
And me, we'll let's just say if this keeps up I'm going to have to find a padded room somewhere!
Monday, May 12
Mother's Day - Part 2
I have truly wonderful children & husband. AND extended family. We don't like dealing with the crowds, so we go to my aunt's for lunch - my uncle makes the best. mashed potatoes. EVER! We exchange cards, play with the kids, relax, whatever. I even took a NAP when we got home!
I got my very own remote for our new Wii. And a movie my kids have been dying to see (my husband lets them pick out their own gifts). I have the pictures they drew me and the Mother's Day projects they do at school - those are my favorite gifts anyway.
It's a good day, really, but it's a hard week leading up to it. I hope all the other mommies out there had a good day. Now, it's back to work...
Saturday, May 10
Mother's Day
I have one piece of Mother's Day advice: Don't just love all the women in your life - show them, appreciate them. And not just on the second Sunday of May. All the time.
Happy Mother's Day!
Saturday, April 26
It worked!
I'd been to soccer practice, had been cleaning for 2 hours and still had to pack for the campout. It took every ounce of restraint I had to thank him for taking care of the cat and trying to help. But I wanted to scream because I was just so exhausted. Well, I wanted them to understand how to take care of their things and the house - and I guess he's learning. I won't complain and now a week later, I can laugh.
Tuesday, April 15
Before & After
Afterward, we had a meeting. I told them the next time it got like that, I am going through the rooms with the shop-vac & garbage bags and not looking back. Part of this is my fault. I pretended this wasn't happening. I will not do that again.
They're doing better. Even my three year old is putting his clothes in the hamper and dishes in the sink. And they are making their beds every morning. All the toys and books have a place and we pick up every night before bed.
It's getting warmer, which is always a good thing. They spend more time outside and there are fewer messes inside. But my inside will never look like this again. If anyone knows any tricks for keeping them (and me) motivated - I could use some ideas...Monday, April 14
One down...
Two boys + soccer + campouts + Cub Scouts + travel + friends = something with a lot of seating or cargo space. Even though we usually don't have all of that going on at once. (With the third seat that folds down, we can have either but not really both.)
And - with no payment (thank you, Dave Ramsey) we can afford a little more in gas.
I love it. I'm excited we were able to do it. Now we have to build our savings back up some, but it was worth it. And I got to cross something off of my to-do list.
Monday, April 7
- We still have no light fixture - honestly, we haven't really looked - there just hasn't been enough time.
- Colby picks out a different color everytime we try to decide on paint for his room. I'm going to end up choosing for him and redoing it in a year or two.
- Still no truck. Though, we do have the money and our car-dealer friend is looking for it. It still might be a few weeks.
- I've lost 8 of those 24 pounds. It's slow going, but easier to keep off that way.
- My work automation is going well. I still have a project list a mile long - but it's much, much better than it was. And as I automate, I have more time to spend on the list.
Wednesday, April 2
Tuesday, April 1
Where is the Fat Lady?!
After the last visit in November, we thought everything was fine. But we had to go back for a follow up in February - when they told us about the surgery. Honestly, I'm not worried. He's responded to all the treatments. The surgery was easy and successful. I think I'm just ready to not think about it. I'm tired of asking him over and over again to look at me so I can see which way his eyes are looking. I'm ready for this chapter to close. And I'm grateful that we're one step closer - I just wish there weren't so many steps!
Tuesday, March 25
Surgery Update
Wednesday, March 19
Conversations in Church
Colby (NOT in a church whisper): But there's a booger in it.
ME: Then let's go to the bathroom and blow it.
Colby (as he holds out his finger): But I got the booger. SEE!!
Why, oh, why is everything funnier in a church service...
Tuesday, March 18
The Best Laid Plans
On Sunday I had big plans. After church service we came home. I wanted to play outside some, come in and watch the basketball game then take the boys to an egg hunt at the church my sister attends. During the "play outside" part of the plan, the boys (this includes the 4 neighbor boys) decided they wanted to hit golf balls in the yard. We have rules for this and they follow them pretty well - usually.
While we were looking at my neighbor's new van, we heard it. The scream that sends chills down every parent's spine and freezes your blood. And it was mine. Garrett had been hit with a golf ball on the outer corner of his left eyebrow. Oh, man. It was bad - I thought about taking pictures, but really, who wants to see that? I didn't, but I had to look and now I see it when I close my eyes.
My neighbor agreed to keep my Colby until my dad could get there to take him to the egg hunt. While the rest of us climed in the car and drove to Vanderbilt. All our plans went up in smoke and we spend the afternoon "relaxing" at the ER. No game, no selection show, no egg hunt, and no evening service. But, he's okay. He's okay.
He's okay. It missed his eye and didn't break any bones. We are unbelievably grateful for that and know how much worse it could have been. As it is, he has 5 stitches, had to miss his soccer game last night. It isn't going to interfere with the eye surgery he has to have next week.
But yesterday was PICTURE DAY at school. So, in his second grade class picture he has a big band-aid over his left eye. Lessons learned.
Monday, March 17
Oh, what a weekend!
FOUR! #4 - Vanderbilt got a 4 seed!!! Something we never expected around here - especially after the second loss to Arkansas.
WOW! It's still a tough road to play in the NCAA tournament. But - hey - #4! It's a good deal. And very exciting to those of us who have watched them be on the bubble countless times in the past. Just knowing at the beginning of the SEC tournament this year that they weren't playing themselves in, but playing to improve their seed was exciting. But I never expected this - a 4 seed!
Like I said - that's my best news from the weekend. More on all of that later...
Friday, March 7
Conversations in the Car
HIM: Yes, ma'am. It was easy, all I had to do was write the names of the planets.
ME: Oh, you're studying the planets in science?
HIM: Yeah, we had a play today and I was Uranus. (pronounced: "your anus", of course)
His dad & I couldn't look at each other for a few minutes.
Why yes, we are 13 year old boys...
Thursday, March 6
Calendar Musings
From that first appointment through April 1 - no foolin' - we have the following:
Church every Sunday, Sunday night & Wednesday night. Soccer practice every Monday & Thursday, Cub Scouts every Monday, monthly PTO meeting, monthly Cub Scout leaders meeting, Annual doctor's visit (mom), Annual eye check (mom), dentist appointments (mom & dad - the boys have already had theirs), pre- and post-op eye visits (Garrett), surgery (Garrett), 2 soccer games, district pinewood derby, monthly youth devo, egg hunt, monthly couples get together, haircuts (all).
This is with ONE CHILD participating. I have no idea what we'll do when we have two involved in activities. I don't know how our parents did it without cell phones!
It just seems a little overwhelming this month. So much so, that I keep confusing my days. I thought one of my appointments was today and it's next week. I dated everything yesterday the 7th.
I'm not complaining - really. I am happy being busy. I am thankful that my family can afford the time and money to take care of the doctor stuff and play some, too. My life is definitely full and certainly interesting.
Wednesday, February 27
That ugly old orange team's number one status lasted about 28 hours. It does not get any better!
Wednesday, February 20
The Verdict
I'm doing my best to be positive. Because that's my job - to keep him from worrying. He's a kid. He doesn't need to worry (I'm doing enough of that for all of us). But I am very close to freaked out. I hate anethesia, and it's his eyes. This is not like having a scar on his belly (which I do) or on his shoulder or knee (like his dad). This. is. his. EYES!
Now, his doctor has been doing this at this particular hospital for more than 15 years. He's confident, and I'm trying to be. The surgery is scheduled to take 60 minutes. Not long, considering.
I really am doing okay - in public and in front of Garrett. He's had surgery before (tubes) and I've reminded him of that. And though he doesn't remember his, he does remember when his brother had the same surgery. And he remembers one of my surgeries (when his brother was born) and one of his dad's. I've talked to him about all the people in his life that have had surgery and how it's better for them after.
I've told him that's just how he was born. I've talked to him about people born without being able to see or hear. We even have a cousin who was born without an arm. I use all of that to show him he was born with very strong outer eye muscles and they have to correct that so he'll be able to see better.
He's a curious child (just like his mom was) and he just wants to know. We've told him what they're going to do, how long it will take and what will happen after. And he's calming down. Knowledge is power with this child. And it's working - for him. But I'm still trying to let it go. Trying really hard for all our sakes.
The kicker in all of this is that he'll still have to have the glasses. But they'll just be for vision correction and not muscular control.
Please pray for Garrett, his doctor, his worry-wart mom, all of us.
Saturday, February 9
The Flu is Here
First, my 3 year old starts running a fever with no other symptoms. When the fever goes away and he's able to go back to school, the aches and stuff start. He was patient number 1 in this house. That was Wednesday. They put both my kids on that very expensive flu treatment medicine.
Thursday morning, it was me. But I had it all, fever, aches, sick stomach. So, I went to the doctor and got the same medicine. They wrote a prescription for my husband, too. This morning, he woke up with it.
Only my 7 year old has escaped it so far. And I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he can continue to fight it off. He's so bored with all of us because we have no energy to play with him. Or really, even get up off our sorry tails and feed him.
I think the house might actually have it. It was pretty today, so we opened up the windows for a while to let the place air out. I still need to clean it all really good, but just don't have the energy yet. Maybe tomorrow.
I'm hoping next week things are back to normal. I've had about all I can handle for now.
Tuesday, January 29
Friday, January 11
When we want to buy something, especially something for the house, we have agreed to agree on it. Or we don't buy anything. That's one of the reasons we have the most horrible light fixture I have ever seen in our dining room. We're going to replace it, really. BUT, we haven't been able to find one that we both like. Our compromise in this matter is...nothing. It's still there.
We'll find it - soon - or there will just be a big hole in the ceiling for Thanksgiving dinner this year.
Monday, January 7
Happy New Year!
We have a lot to do at our house this year:
1. Finish the dining room (that just means agreeing on a light fixture, which could be rough).
2. Redo our 3 year old's room.
3. Buy a new (different) car (this will probably happen in March or April).
4. Lose 24 pounds (well, that's just me).
5. I have a huge goal at work that involves the automation of a lot of my manual tasks.
There are so many more things I could list. Yes, I need to be more organized, more efficient, whatever. But those are things I am constantly trying to achieve. Not things I put on my to-do list.
I'll go into more detail, but this is my overall list. I know there could be more. But I don't want to overdo it. These are all small steps in my life. These are all attainable and measureable. And I want to be able to complete these and enjoy all the other things life gives me.
Enjoy 2008!